Tom Luongo

Global Capital Flow In An Uncertain 2024

A Talk by Tom Luongo (Publisher, Gold, Goats 'N Guns)

About this Talk

Tom Luongo, publisher of Gold, Goats and Guns, will discuss the history of the dollar reserve standard and the coordinated central bank era, and how the Federal Reserve is owned by member banks and works for them.

He'll also discuss financial and kinetic wars and factions within governments, particularly those who want permanent war with Russia for its physical collateral.

Luongo warns of chaos as the US dollar recedes and energy prices rise, but cautions against betting on the dollar's demise as the US is currently the supplier of the marginal barrel of oil and therm of gas.

06 October 2023, 03:00 PM

03:00 PM - 04:00 PM

About The Speaker

Tom Luongo

Tom Luongo

Publisher, Gold, Goats 'N Guns

Tom Luongo is a former research chemist turned geopolitical and market analyst. He is publisher of the Gold Goats 'n Guns Newsletter and blog. Tom's sifts out the stories from behind the headlines and weaves the disparate threads of the global-macro environment into a coherent picture.